

Monday, June 11, 2012


When my brother or I or both of us get punished it's usually by our fathers Bobby or John.
Our father Pyro has different ways to punish us. Like with my brother he will use either his hand or a belt or a hairbrush, Or a ruler. On me he prefers to use his hand or the hairbrush or the ruler. He never uses the belt on me. I once asked him why and he said because I was a little girl. And my brother has a higher pain tolerance. It seems unfair to me that he doesn't use the belt on me as well. But it doesn't bother my brother. In fact that thing must hurt really bad because he doesn't want our father anywhere near me with that thing.
Our other father Bobby doesn't use the same implements that Pyro uses.
Bobby uses mostly his hand but he will also use the hairbrush or ruler if he has too. He doesn't really like to punish us so he usually tries to make Pyro do it. Pyro doesn't enjoy punishing us but he doesn't have the same problems with it as Bobby does. The only problem Bobby has is that he's a softy. He can hardly bare to lay a hand on either one of us. Pyro does it because he has to. He sees it as his duty as our father to teach us right from wrong and correct us when we do something wrong. Not that a spanking is what we get for every punishment but I think everyone prefers it. I'd rather get a spanking that will only hurt and last for a short while rather then get grounded and feel like a prisoner. So we rarely get punished any other way. And when we are grounded it's only for one night.
There are simple rules we must follow and breaking those rules will get us a spanking.

1. No violence- Violence is a huge no for us because it was such a huge part of our lives before we came here and so everyone is dead set against us being violent in any way.
2. No lying- This is basic common sense. Tell the truth and all of the truth.
3. No stealing- This is also basic. Don't take things that don't belong to you. Because it's wrong.
4. No smoking- Also basic. We never even knew what it was until Pyro explained it to us. It's apparently nasty and unhealthy.
5. No drinking- Also basic even though Logan drinks all the time. I have no desires to try it.
6. No cussing - Basic
7. No leaving without saying anything- basically if we want to go somewhere we need to tell someone and ask permission first.
8. No using our powers without permission- Basic. We also can't use them in public or against any of the humans.

The rules are simple. The punishments are simple too.

Breaking rule 1,2,3,or 8 will get us a spanking from our Pyro father.
Breaking rule 4,and 7 gets us a spanking from Bobby
Breaking rule number 5 and 6 gets us a spanking from Logan. Also breaking number 6 means we have to have soap in our mouths. That only had to happen once. And as I said before neither one of us want to try drinking so I think we are safe there. Logan has taken an active role in our lives as you can tell. He has also taken active roles in the lives of some of the other kids too.

That's all there is to say about punishment around here.

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