

Monday, June 11, 2012

About me

My Name is Terra Anne Allerdyce. I have two parents and both are mutants.

First is John Allerdyce who's mutant name is Pyro. He is called Pyro because he carries a lighter around with him and he can control fire. It's pretty cool. Dangerous too. He's got a bit of an attitude and a rebellious streak. But since my brother and I have come into his life he is slightly more responsible.

My other parent is Bobby his mutant name is Ice Man. His power is to make Ice. It's the exact opposite of my other father. His personality is the exact opposite as well. He's very calm and in control of himself. He and Pyro have been together for three years now. That's when my brother and I came into their lives. My brother and I were created in a lab by scientists. They used DNA samples stolen from both Bobby and John and mixed it then used it to make us. My brother was created as a spare just in case I was too powerful to be controlled. We were both programmed to believe that we existed for one reason only. To destroy other mutants. We were assassins. We were powerful together and apart. We were taught to fight and to kill from the age of 6. Also our aging process was speed up in order for us to be able to fight sooner. It took only weeks for us to become teenagers.

My brother is the spitting image of our father Pyro. His name is Mason. He is almost an exact clone. The main difference is that he is shorter and less talkative. His power is also different. He has the power to light fire with his mind but he also has the power to throw water with his hands. He can also move things with his mind.

Then there is me Terra. I possess more then one power as well. I have the power to start fire's with my mind. I can also freeze things or people. I can also blow things up by flicking my hands and I can also move things with my mind and control people. After finding out about my massage power the blue beast Hank gave me a drug that decreased my power and Charles Xavier put a barrier in my head to block some of my powers to help me control them. I am classified as the most dangerous mutant in existence today. As I mentioned earlier my brother and I were created to destroy other mutants. The last mission we were sent on was the mission to destroy the mutants in the mutant school. We only got so far before we were defeated and then knocked out and they did tests on us both and found out exactly what we were. Then they gave us a drug to age us back to children. We Woke as children and had to relearn everything and that what we had been taught was wrong. But once we began to learn that lesson and be more civilized we were given another drug to age us back to teenagers. We stopped this time at age 12 and we were told that we would age normally from then on. It has been 2 years since then and I am 14 now along with my brother.

It's strange because we go to classes like everyone else but our parents are in the classes too. Mason sometimes slips and calls them our 'parental unit' as we used to call them before we hand minds of our own.
Life isn't that bad. We made friends here but it was hard at first. Mason and I only wanted to talk to each other. But after a stern lecture from our father Bobby we decided that we should give the other kids a chance too. So I made friends with a girl named Kitty who has the power to walk through walls. And also made friends with Rogue. After becoming friends with Rogue she told her favorite person in the world all about me and Mason and then we had Logan AKA Wolverine looking after us as well. Which of course it didn't take long but soon all the other adult mutants were being just as annoying and watching us. Even the students were annoyingly over protective because technically we were younger then we looked and they saw us as vulnerable kids that needed looking after because we had had such a meaningless life until we came here. The fact that we had been sent and tried to kill them meant nothing to them. I have sessions with Charles Xavier every day which is bothersome but useful. And every time I try to argue about going I get dragged by one of my father's all the way to his office so I don't usually argue.
I found out that Logan and the mutant Scott or Cyclops is his mutant name but they are in a relationship as well. Apparently gender doesn't matter when it comes to love. Kitty says it's not all that common but then Xavier told me that he and his greatest enemy Magneto were once lovers too.

Most of the adults are actually Mutants and they all teach at the school during the day. And at night if there is trouble they suit up and become the X Men and go save people. Not everyone got to go. But some of the students are X Men in training. My father Bobby and my friend Rogue are two examples. The students rotate and take turns that way no one fights about who goes on missions.

There are normal classes like Math and Science and History and speech class and English class and foreign languages class and other classes too. Then there's the special classes like the Danger room where we are trained and taught about how to use our powers and we learn strategies to help us later in life. Logan teaches that class and sometimes we just pair up and spare. It's basically the Mutant version of PE class. It's fun. Most days.

I remember one of the days were it wasn't so fun. But I'll get to that later.

That's all for now. I need to go to sleep because I have to wake up early for school.

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