

Monday, June 11, 2012

Danger room: Not so fun

There are times when the Danger room isn't fun. One day in particular stands out in my mind.

We were all in the danger room as Logan took roll call and our father Pyro was late as usual but he made it right after roll call. Logan rolled his eyes and kept going. He told us we would be sparing today and that he had paired us up. "Okay first up is Mason and Terra." Logan called us.

I think we both paled at that. We had never been asked to fight against each other. We both looked at each other and then Mason said "No." which gained everyone's attention.

"No? What do you mean no? That wasn't a question you know. It's not worth arguing over kid. Come on don't be difficult." Logan said his tone pleading for my brother not to lose his cool. I guess Logan wasn't in the mood.

"Logan you have no idea what your asking." I said.

"Knock it off." we heard Pyro said in a warning tone that both Mason and I knew well.

Mason got angry. "Fine. You asked for it. Don't say we didn't try to warn you." Mason said then headed over to the area behind the glass and I followed him.

"Alright. Go." Logan said.

Mason and I began to circle each other looking for an opening. Mason attacked first. He never had any patience he kicked out at my leg hitting the back of my knee causing me to fall to one knee I caught his arm before the punch could land and he kicked me in my stomach then in my back then he twisted my arm as I fell to the ground from the momentum of the kick to my back. He went down to pin my but I kicked him in the face with my boot and propelled myself off the floor lunging at him now and he grabbed my arm before I could punch him and I kicked his knee but he stayed on his feet and used his palm to bash me in my nose.
We barely heard Logan yell through the communication box "Take it easy!"
We were too in the zone to take it easy. We never fight each other. Because all the primal instincts and training that we were taught came back and we fought as if we truly were enemies. I coping the move he made bashing in the nose and he let go of my arm and kicked me in the fact and then he jumped and landed behind me and kicked me in my back again Then kicked my feet from under me and I landed on my back my body aching in pain but I ignored. "Mason chill!" we heard our father Bobby's voice now but we were too far gone.

Mason formed fire in his hand and threw it at me I rolled and dodged it and then lunged tackling him hard and then he slammed me on my back using his feet to flip me over and then he was on top of my and he punched me once and then I caught his arm and reversed us so that he was now on his back but he bashed me in my nose again and by this time it was bleeding along with my cracked lip his nose was the same too.
We went a couple rounds trying to pen each other and he finally had me pinned and he punched me again but a second after that Pyro was beside him and caught his fist and then he flipped Mason over onto his stomach and he dug one knee in his back to hold him there while he also pinned his arm behind his back "Stay down!" Pyro yelled at Mason as he sat there restraining him. I was still in the zone but just as I jumped up to lung my other father Bobby had me around my waist and slammed me against the floor and had me in almost the same hold as he pinned me to the floor.  "that's enough." Bobby said to me and I slowly began to come back to reality. And so did Mason as we both stopped squirming at the same time.

After a couple minutes of silence Our father Pyro spoke "What the hell was that?" he demanded to know.
"training." Mason mumbled.
"That was not training you looked like you were trying to kill each other!" Bobby said.
"That's how we train together." I stated. "We tried to tell you not to let us go against each other. The survival training instincts take over. It's how we were taught to fight and train with each other." Mason said trying to defend us.

There was an awful moment of silence. Then Bobby said "Well I'm glad it's not my turn. Cause this isn't gonna be pretty." that confused us until our father's stood up. "Get up. Both of you." John said and we both got up.

Then he gave us both a look we knew well "Go to your rooms and wait for me." he said and my mouth dropped open "Why?!" I asked even though I already knew why.
"What did I just say?" he asked sternly and I really hated it when he did that! Got all harsh dad on us.
I scowled and then Mason joined me as we left the Danger room and went to our own rooms.

We waited about an hour which was not fair at all. But Pyro finally showed up. Then he took off his belt and I paled. Mason did too then he got angry "your not using that on her!" he vowed trying to protect me.
"Didn't say I was. It was you that went all hard core first so it's you that gets the belt." John said doubling it over in his hands. Yes our teenage fathers spanked us when we lost control or did something wrong or broke the rules.

Mason groaned but seemed happy that I wasn't getting the belt. I often wondered how my Pyro father could whip my brother when he had the same face. But it never seemed to bother him.

"Terra get up and stand in that corner." John said and I got up and went over to the corner like a good girl because I didn't want to see this.

My brother took his pants and boxers down and then my father had him bend over the bed and then he snapped that belt down a total of 25 times and my brother was crying when he was done.
"We've been over this before Mason. What you learned at lab is wrong. There are lots of things you did before you came here that you are not aloud to do anymore. Terra is your sister. I Know you love her. But you could have really hurt her. And for what? Just because that's how you used to train with each other? Well that's not a good enough reason to lose it like you did. You don't attack your sister ever! Training is one thing but what you were taught and what you were doing that is not training. When we're in the danger room we practice using our powers and we spare and it's suppose to be taken lightly. You weren't training or sparing. You were attacking to kill. Weren't you!?" Our father demanded.
"yes." Mason said through his tears.
"I'm about to make sure you never do it again." Pyro said and then there was more snapping of the belt and another 25 licks landed and I was almost in tears now too. My poor brother was getting a really harsh spanking and I felt bad for him .

Then it was over. There was the sound of Mason standing and pulling up his pants and then his muffled tears as our father hugged him and then he laid down on his bed and covered up pulling his covers mostly over his head.

John put his belt back on and then said "Terra come here." he called me from the corner.

"No that's okay. I'm good here." I tried and there was a hint of a smile on his face and my brothers.

"Nice try. But no dice. Terra" He said my name and snapped his fingers and that had me leaving my corner and going over to him he looked me in the eyes "Terra can you tell me what you did wrong?" he asked.

I thought about that. "I agreed to fight instead of elaborating on why we shouldn't fight." I said.
Pyro was pleased "Good girl. You may have told us about not wanting to fight each other but you didn't tell us what would happen. And as I told your brother you could have been seriously hurt. Your brother was punished because I want him to think next time before he starts going all hard core like that against someone in the Danger room. Your going to be punished for not communicating right and also for continuing the fight and not walking away You were both perfectly able to just walk out." he said and then he took me over to the bed where he sat down and I groaned I hated when he did it like this. I saw Mason cover his head more.
"Pants down." he told me and I obeyed talking my pants down and he flipped me across his lap and smacked my underwear 12 times. Then pulled it down and smacked my bare bottom. 25 times just before laying on another 10 and then he was finished and he helped my replace my clothing and then held me while I cried and then I laid in my bed and covered up as well. "You can both stay in bed for the rest of the day. If you get hungry use the phone to text me. My number is stored in there so you'll see it." he said of the cell phone on the night stand. He then left and both Mason and I fell asleep and took a nap.

That was the first and last time Logan paired Mason and I against each other for sparing. We only go all hard when we're against each other. But against other students we are fine. So it's all good.

I have to go to bed now. Goodnight.

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